Chick-N-Go, 2024

On November 11, we had one of our most productive and FUN FUNd-raisers of the year.

Dozens of Lions help make this delightful event a success, to raise money for our various causes.  Click here to learn more.



We are on a journey, by bringing kind-hearted people together to serve their communities is what Lions clubs are all about.  Lions see a problem and then take action to solve it.  Lions build relationships with their communities, with one another and with the people they serve.  And, as a result, everyone’s life is improved!


While each Lions club has its own service focus, there are five global causes of particular interest around the world.  These areas of need identified, and voted on, by members and supported by our association and foundation.

The Lions Club of Madison Mississippi is a service organization of people from – no, not just Madison the City or the County – but from all over the Central Mississippi area. We are like-minded people dedicated to giving back to our communities, and we have chosen to do this through the Lions Club of Madison chapter of Lions’ Club International.

This is the logo and emblem of Lions Clubs.

Whenever you see this emblem, you will know that Lions Clubs – our members – are there to serve your community. Not just your local community, which indeed we do, but also communities throughout your state, your nation, and the entire world.

If you’re not already a member, you should join today.


Each year at our Installation Banquet we announce our “Lion of The Year” award.  For 2021-22 President Greg Palmer was proud to announce our “Lion of the Year” was Lion Tom Corlett.




We are a service organization. We provide the organization and structure to support community improvements in the local community, in the state, in the nation, and worldwide.

These efforts include active involvement in children’s eye screening, collecting used eyeglasses to recondition and redistribute to those in need, disaster relief efforts at the state, national, and international levels, supporting diabetes research through contributions to the Diabetes Foundation, and through the state Lions Clubs we support the high school all-state honor band every year. 

In our twice monthly local club meetings, we spend about 20 minutes organizing and reporting on our community efforts, and we have an always-fascinating guest speaker on any of a wide range of issues.

You are welcome to attend any of our meetings, with no obligation or cost, to check out whether the Lions Club of Madison is something in which you might like to be involved.



There are no upcoming events at this time.

More than


More than

Million Lions

More than

Thousand Lions Clubs

More than


We are asked “How long has Lions Clubs been in existence and how far reaching are Lions Clubs?”  The image to the left will help answer those questions.  We don’t pat ourselves on the back after helping others, we remember and put into action our Lions Club’s Motto…


That says it all!


If you would like to learn more about the Lions Club International, you can visit the Lions Club International website by clicking on the image to the right (or below on your smartphone).

If you would like to learn  more about our specific chapter in Madison, Mississippi, we would love to have you as a guest at one of our meetings, to get to know you, and to answer any questions you might have about what we do for our communities.

If you’d like to come to a meeting, please just let us know by telling us who you are on our CONTACT page (click here), and one of our members will get back with you right away.